Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rare Find Cross Colours Hoodie

I struck early 90s vintage gold!! This is the 1st one I've ever found in 18 years of collecting..Uh. Amaze.Ing!

Shades of Neon

I picked up this sweatshirt today. Uh, so wrong! Love it.

Crazy Print Skirt

I picked up this little cutie yesterday. I love my job

Penny Pincher Fashion: Sleeping in Vintage

Penny Pincher Fashion: Sleeping in Vintage: One lazy Saturday afternoon, my husband offered to watch the kids so I could go run errands by myself. With ample time on my own, I decided...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Snake Dress

1960s Snake Print Dress

Things I Love

I have a great Michael Jackson collection

Kraftwerk: Ralf & Florian LP is one of the best!

I listened to The Doors so much in high school I wasn't allowed to say Jim Morrison's name in the house

The Cosby Look